I have what the unenlightened would deride as a compulsion, fetish, infatuation, or obsession, yet I value as a virus every male and female should contract, Seriously Irresistible Shoes Syndrome. I need clothes (how many consecutive afternoons can one wear Lauren Conrad leggings? Love you LC), however when I even glimpse espadrilles, flats, sandals, stilettos, or wedges; necessities be damned! My eyes shimmer, my heart flutters, and within two hours, I’m reorganizing my closet because last week’s pair has new neighbors.
If it weren't for my street smarts and good parents, I would be in serious debt. These Betsey Johnson 'Busta' Sandals ($90) are the reason why so many college girls are in trouble. Like how gorge are these? Work them with a neutral colored top and some pastel skinny jeans.
These sassy Sam Edelman 'Jorgia' Sandals ($155) are beyond words perfect. Honestly, I need these. What girl doesn't love a little leopard in their wardrobe! Mix these with skinny jeans and solid black top.

Brian Atwood 'Francoise' Pumps ($395) are not only perfectly bedazzled, they are perfect for just about anything. Pair these with jeans, leggings, dresses or skirts and walk around like malibu barbie.
The unique and printed Diane Von Furstenberg 'Opal' Wedge Sandals ($298) are so adorable and sweet, I could totally rock these with a cute pair of jeans, a tank top and blazer. I seriously adore DVF and now even more because of these chic and pecious wedges.
Steve Madden does it again with these floral and tribal inspired 'Winonna' Wedge Sandals ($50). Snatch these limited shoes before it is too late and work them in with a solid dress or leggings and oversized shirt while adding fun jewelry.