On Friday, Barbie celebrated her fifty-third birthday and throughout her two decades as Mattel's most iconic merchandise, George and Margaret Roberts daughter has been a busy girl. From architect to McDonald's cashier, plastic surgeon to United States Air Force Thunderbirds pilot, Barbie has had sixty-three careers (the next time someone questions your career path, tell them Barbie's your role model). As recognition of Barbara Millicent Roberts cultural impact, here are a quartet of women who made life modeled in plastic just as fantastic.
In 2012, Shawn Johnson should join Barbie as a two time Olympian and hopefully Barbie will join Shawn as a Dancing With The Stars champion.
Diane von Furstenberg and Barbie may each line the catwalk with some fierce skirts and stilettos, but Skipper's sister simply can't match the wrap dress.
Barbie never received the two billlion pairs of eyes which watched Kate and William's wedding, though Barbie has been a princess since 1990 while Kate is only princess consort.
Hilary Clinton may not have achieved the Oval Office, which Barbie attained in 2000. However, Barbie has never served as First Lady, Senator, or Secretary of State.