I have what the unenlightened would deride as a compulsion, fetish, infatuation, or obsession, yet I value as a virus every male and female should contract, Seriously Irresistible Shoes Syndrome. I need clothes (how many consecutive afternoons can one wear Lauren Conrad leggings? Love you LC), however when I even glimpse espadrilles, flats, sandals, stilettos, or wedges; necessities be damned! My eyes shimmer, my heart flutters, and within two hours, I’m reorganizing my closet because last week’s pair has new neighbors.

These Betsey Johnson 'Tricksy' Sandals ($150) exquisitely synthesize princess and provocative, perfect for amplifying an audacious pink mini or sharpening a sophisticated LBD.
These classic, yet crisp Hinge 'Ledge' Sandals ($109) will ingeniously compliment a frisky floral summer dress or an uncomplicated solid color t-shirt and black skinny jeans.

These Kate Spade New York 'Stella' Slingback Sandals ($325), equal measure saucy and sweet, will elegantly mingle a chic white dress or dress pant and modern floral bow.
These artistic and earthy Sam Edelman 'Nalo' Sandals ($150), a pair of which I own, are not only super comfortable, their exterior is incomparably versatile, easily melding black, blue, brown, green, and more.

These Steve by Steve Madden 'Banndo' Sandals ($189), paramount for that occasionally required pop of exotic,will seductively accent a black or silver top and form flattering skinny jeans.